15th Jul 2019. HP World on Wheels – Technology for everyone, everywhere!!! Chennai, OTP Being a Global leader in Technology, HP never forgets to ensure that technology reaches every corner of the world, especially contributing towards digital education for Gen-Z of urban and rural areas. Our HP WOW BUS is really a wow factor in supporting towards digital education. HP World on Wheels" aims at driving digital literacy, E-education, Entrepreneurship training, and other citizen services in rural India. 2.3 million population being served across 940 Indian villages in 15 States through World on Wheels initiative. It includes Common Citizenship Activities including Aadhar Card, Ration card, driving license, Land records, Financial Inclusions, Video conferencing for specific groups etc. It can provide 44,000 training hours annually per unit. It works in such a way that the school kids can make use of the WOW BUS for digital education for any kind of education pattern across India. Volunteers would be made familiar on the usage of the BUS and they would be called upon to volunteer themselves in case of BUS to be used my school kids in the surrounding locality. HP WOW BUS was made available to be visited by employees in Chennai HP site and a volunteering kiosk was also set up. Around 150+ Employees visited the BUS enthusiastically and volunteered themselves for taking sessions to rural kids. 10+ overview sessions were conducted to employees, 25+ kids were also part of the session,
Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Volunteering Hours: 56
Beneficiaries: 25